12 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba

Sasuke, 10 Tails?

This chapter was drop-dead amazing, no one can disagree with that. I've got my theory on what Sasuke is up to.

Now this all depends on whether or not Sasuke is together with Orochimaru with whatever he's planning. If their plans aren't separate, then half of this could be garbage.

Sasuke plans to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Yes, a lot of people have already predicted that part already, but really, think about it everyone. Why else would he team up with the Shinobi Alliance if he still had evil intentions? Simple, he couldn't defeat the Juubi on his own, he needed everyone's help. 

After he absorbs the Juubi, he would now be literally on par with or just a bit under the SO6P. Absorbing the Ten-Tails is what gave the Sage his powers, and absorbing the full-form would give Sasuke respectfully the same gift. Sasuke now has the power of a god, and the entire Shinobi alliance standing right in front of him. He made it clear that he never wanted what happened to the Uchiha to happen to any clan ever again. The solution?

Sasuke plans to eliminate the Shinobi system standing right in front of him and through the power of the Juubi, reforge the world and the Shinobi system the way he thinks is right. 

Now, another thing to note; the final battle between Sasuke and Naruto is DESTINED to happen. Sasuke HAS to be against him in order for this to happen. And at the end of EVERY story, the hero is always pitted against the final villain by himself, it makes for massive suspense and appeals to a massive audience. Kishimoto plans to fuel this through Sasuke's motive, and Naruto is going to be forced to kill him. There's always a massive twist towards the end that throws the hero into a desperate situation, how Orochimaru fits into this I still have no clue.

Maybe Sasuke WANTS Orochimaru to absorb him after he has absorbed the Juubi? What does Orochimaru's interest in Tsunade have to do with it? I'm really not sure, hopefully we can figure out next chapter! :3

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